Top 5 Reasons Women Should Strength Train

Stepehn Dansevich teaching a client strength training to help maintain bone density


Strength training helps maintain bone density: Women have a much greater risk of losing bone density in comparison to men. Bones maintain their density in response to the forces imposed on them. No or little force means the bones have no reason to remain dense. Strength training can provide a controlled environment in order apply some safe forces into the bones.


Building muscle via strength training helps to burn body fat: Muscle is metabolically active tissue. In laymen's terms it utilizes stored energy in order to maintain itself. So the more muscle you build via strength training, the more stored body fat you can burn, even when the body is at rest.


Strength training makes you look better: The caveat being if you combine it with a healthy diet. Most women are afraid of getting bulky. You only become bulky if you combine strength training with a high calorie inflammatory diet. When combined with a nutritious "paleo" style diet it will help you to gain muscle and lose fat, essentially enhancing all areas from the arms, to the glutes, to the abs.


Strength gained via strength training is transferable to all areas of life: Do you ever have trouble lifting children, carrying a heavy purse, or even walking long distances? Then you may be lacking muscle strength. By enhancing muscle strength via strength training, challenging daily tasks suddenly become much more manageable.


Strength Training will give you confidence- Knowing that you are getting stronger, losing fat, and gaining muscle will help boost your confidence in ways you never thought possible. Every time you see the progress with the weights, on the scale, and in the mirror, it will help you feel more confident in all areas of your life.

Brandon O'Connor, CMSS, RTSm, MATm

Meet the Muscle Doc: My name is Brandon O’Connor, and I am the founder of Austin Muscle Restoration. Several members of my family have been impacted by autoimmune disease and chronic injury and I have developed a passion and expertise for healing people with extremely compromised muscular and neuromuscular systems. I have seen Shannon struggle through systemic lupus and cancer and I know the suffering that comes with serious physical limitations. I have been in the fitness industry for 20 years and I have been a muscle restoration specialist for 10 years. I have attained mastery level expertise in muscle restoration with over 10,000 hours of table based muscle restoration practice. I have been able to help a wide variety of people recover from nagging injuries, improve their health and well being, and achieve personal goals. Twenty years of professional experience led me to create AMR's unique Muscle Restoration System© to help you recover from injuries, gain strength, and improve your life. I am a Muscle Restoration Specialist and one of the only people in the world who is a certified mastery specialist through the Muscle Activation Techniques, Resistance Training Specialist and Certified Muscle System Specialist Mastery Programs. I am also an instructor for the Certified Muscle System Specialist Program. My mission is to prevent people from living with unnecessary pain and movement limitations. No one should live half a life if novel solutions are available.

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