Why Your Pelvic Floor Issue Is Probably A Muscle ProBlem… And What to do about it

Brandon O'connor performing non-invasive pelvic floor muscle restoration on a client

Your pelvic floor issue is probably a muscle problem and here is what you can do about it…

Many people have dysfunction of the pelvic floor. The reason for pelvic floor dysfunction can have many root causes and lead to a wide variety of symptoms. The cause of pelvic floor pain and dysfunction include abdominal injuries or surgeries including laparoscopic procedures, one or more pregnancies including natural child birth or C-sections, as well as groin injuries or surgeries.

Many clients with pelvic floor issues report a feeling of tightness in the muscles of the pelvic floor, lower back and hips.

Some additional common symptoms that clients report include:

  • lower back pain

  • groin or hip pain

  • urinary incontinence

  • prolapse

  • a weak core

Most therapeutic interventions try to “release” feelings of tightness with invasive procedures including external and internal massage. While these techniques often provide temporary relief, they may not address the underlying cause of the pain, which in the vast majority of cases is muscle weakness in the muscles of the pelvic floor.

At Austin Muscle Restoration we have a unique and non invasive screen to test the contractile capabilities of the pelvic floor muscles and activate them if weakness is detected. This screen involves assessing the contractile capabilities of the hip muscles in conjunction with a kegel exercise. If the hips cannot produce tension with the introduction of a kegel, it’s pretty safe to say weakness is present in the deep muscles of the pelvic floor.

So what can be done about that?

An isometric contraction of the hips in a specific direction can be performed with the addition of a kegel exercise. This is cycled until the hip can produce effortless tension with the addition of a kegel. After connecting a kegel to various other hip positions, clients typically report back that the pain and tightness sensations in their pelvic floor, the hips or lumbar spine is now non existent. 

Let me share one client example with you:

I recently saw a client who just had her first pregnancy and natural child birth. She presented with pain in the back, hip, shoulder and neck. We assessed and addressed these areas and all of her symptoms improved. She then reported that she was having pain deep in her hips when she would go for long walks. After performing the pelvic floor screen process described above, I discovered that she was having significant trouble maintaining her hip strength when performing kegel exercises. We added the kegel exercise to various hip positions until she could combine those two types of muscle contraction well and we could mutually agree that those positions felt strong. Her homework was to go for some long walks before her next visit. She was thrilled when she came in for her next appointment because her deep hip pain was now gone. And with completely non-invasive and painless techniques that were fast and effective!

Muscles are designed to produce tension in order to stabilize and mobilize the joint they cross. This includes all the muscles deep to the superficial layers. If the pelvic floor is a nagging area for you then a full assessment of the muscular system along with a screen of this area may be the missing piece you are looking for.

Call us at 512-461-2856 to schedule an evaluation.

If you do not live in Austin, Texas we can still help you arrange a session schedule for out-of-town clients.

Brandon O’Connor, CMSS, MATm, RTSm

Owner, Austin Muscle Restoration

Brandon O'Connor, CMSS, RTSm, MATm

Meet the Muscle Doc: My name is Brandon O’Connor, and I am the founder of Austin Muscle Restoration. Several members of my family have been impacted by autoimmune disease and chronic injury and I have developed a passion and expertise for healing people with extremely compromised muscular and neuromuscular systems. I have seen Shannon struggle through systemic lupus and cancer and I know the suffering that comes with serious physical limitations. I have been in the fitness industry for 20 years and I have been a muscle restoration specialist for 10 years. I have attained mastery level expertise in muscle restoration with over 10,000 hours of table based muscle restoration practice. I have been able to help a wide variety of people recover from nagging injuries, improve their health and well being, and achieve personal goals. Twenty years of professional experience led me to create AMR's unique Muscle Restoration System© to help you recover from injuries, gain strength, and improve your life. I am a Muscle Restoration Specialist and one of the only people in the world who is a certified mastery specialist through the Muscle Activation Techniques, Resistance Training Specialist and Certified Muscle System Specialist Mastery Programs. I am also an instructor for the Certified Muscle System Specialist Program. My mission is to prevent people from living with unnecessary pain and movement limitations. No one should live half a life if novel solutions are available.


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